School Surveillance In Summer
author:admin  time:2013-08-05 Number of click:1180

The schools are meant to give safe and free zone to the young students to read and learn. However there are more and more school event and killing recent years, and the families, govenment as well school are all headache for such kind of affairs.
In order to improve security surveillance level and update CCTV surveillance, a great number of projects are running with CCTV lens, CCTV camera, CCTV systems all etc., just like The Chinese Uversity of Hong Kong etc., they spent much money to improve their CCTV surveillance during summer time.
What's more, mainland Shanghai also has some big projects for their education, such as all school surveillance in Baoshan districts; Tsing Hwa University will finish the CCTV surveillance soon at CCTV lens upgrade.
The Hong Kong, China mainland, Japan, India etc. are all busy ipgrading their surveillance at School, thus it's good season for CCTV lens manufacturer to catch up and apply the high level of CCTV lens into project.
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